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Feature request: limit number of unchoked peers

by Guest on 2016/02/10 03:28:10 PM    
Sometimes when seeding a large number of torrents, or when using a slower connection, upload speeds to individual peers can drop to almost useless levels ( < 5 kb/s). Trading with 1000 peers at 1 kb/s just seems less efficient than trading with 20 peers at 50 kb/s. At slower speeds individual pieces will take longer to complete, which bogs everything down - you can't start sharing a piece until it is complete, this slowed rate of propagation can affect the whole swarm, especially for rare pieces. Better to get one complete piece out to a peer ASAP so there are two available, than to slowly give that one piece out to 100 peers at the same time.

So, it would be nice to have an option to set a limit on the number of peers tixati will unchoke at any one time. This would allow you to guarantee an arbitrary minimum amount of upload bandwidth for each peer.

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