yes. Before this was fixed in v2.32 alpha 2, only one variable was available for output, the full path/filename as %1.
In my trivial use, I needed to extract the filename from that path but Tixati couldn't do that. So I had to call a batch file that had a single line in it, part of which was to assign 1% as the source to input and then imbedded %~n1 in my code which the shell expanded to the existing filename for use in the output.
before alpha 2, I did this:
.avi:convert.bat %1
and convert.bat contained this command line:
ffmpeg -i %1 M:\avi2mp4\%~n1-avi2.mp4
As of alpha 2, since several path parameters are definable, this can be done in Taxati without needing to call the external batch file:
.avi:ffmpeg -i %1 "M:\avi2mp4\$name+avi2.mp4"
The basics are at but this sparse info has not yet been updated to reflect the new options available, per the change log:
-file completion shell commands support additional placeholders $path $basepath $name $ext
-multiple file completion shell commands for same extension/type now supported
-other minor fixes to prevent file completion shell commands from running when checking or moving
Tixati enables this function to trigger when the entire torrent xfer is completed, when any file is completed or when a file of a specific type/ext is completed. You are free to work your script magic from there. and if you want to join, there is a new channel on Tixati focused on just this: Scripts Я Us