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little help over here

by Guest on 2016/01/21 01:14:59 PM    
I started using program recently, and I really like it.
The UI is lagging too much, when browsing my torrents, or even changing my settings!
I'm using windows 10, CPU: Core i3,
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
by Bugmagnet on 2016/01/21 10:57:17 PM    
These are commonly reported symptoms. As yet a solution remains a mystery.

How may torrents are you seeding?
How many are you attempting to download?
What is your In and Out BW levels from ISP?
by Guest on 2016/01/21 11:47:06 PM    
How may torrents are you seeding?
10 torrents
How many are you attempting to download?
1 torrent
What is your In and Out BW levels from ISP?
ummm my full download speed is about ~400kb
and the upload speed is ~70kb

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