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Download one file fully, then move to the next one in folder?

by Guest on 2016/01/17 04:51:35 AM    
Hi all, I'm not very knowledgeable about torrenting but I know the basics and how it works. With Tixati, is it possible to: lets say I have 5 folders and each has 10 WAV files. Would it be possible for Tixati to download one WAV from the first folder fully, THEN start the next one under it. Once it finishes that one it moves on to the next, and so on and so forth, but each time it starts downloading a WAV it finishes it completely before moving to the next one.

I love Tixati for so many reasons, best of all none of that malware bs, besides it's dark theme looks pretty nice. If anyone could help me with this I would very much appreciate this, thanks.
by Guest on 2016/01/17 07:32:47 PM    
right now only thing you can do, is to rise priority of the files you want first

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