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Please add Checking status

by Guest on 2016/01/07 06:25:52 PM    
Someone confirm this, currently when a torrent is being checked (while in Online mode) it is placed as Downloading, this might be a little deceiving, the only way to see that it is checking is looking at the Files tab or Details tab.

by Guest on 2016/01/07 10:07:49 PM    
in addition to those that you mentioned, the progress column also shows "Checking xx%" with the bar indicating progress
by ZarkBit on 2016/01/08 10:49:08 AM    
oh I don't use the Progress clumn lol, only the percentage column "%", thx for letting me know about that one.

But it would still be useful something like "Checking..." on status column
by Guest on 2016/01/18 01:56:15 AM    
I also feel we need better status management.

A "Checking" status would be very useful for me too! In my opinion also the condition when there are no seeds and none of the leechers has any useful piece should be added as a status. Something like "Dead", or "Not Found", or "Unavailable".

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