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file resolution

by Guest on 2016/01/05 05:40:41 PM    
hi all

is there anyway of getting the resolution ???h x ???w of the movie file whilst its being downloaded in the files info? this was available elsewhere and was just wondering if i just can't find the option to turn it on and being a tad slow...
any help appreciated

by Rudiger on 2016/01/05 05:51:01 PM    
currently there's no way to tell unless you download a little bit and try playing the partial file in VLC or some other media player

if you start the download and go to the files tab, then right-click the file and set the priority to sequential, it will download the beginning of the file so you can do a preview
by Guest on 2016/01/05 05:59:03 PM    
Thanks very much for the advice.

I will keep an eye out for if this feature is added in the future.

cheers again
by Rudiger on 2016/01/05 06:13:27 PM    
The developers are working on a completely new system, separate from torrents, that will include meta-data about files such as resolution, duration, codec, etc.  But the last I heard, it's not going to be ready for several months.

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