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Channel configuration|Magnet link issue

by Guest on 2016/01/01 05:55:12 PM    
ON my channel, i need to change default user level, and stream user level requirements, also, when i try to share via a magnet link the web link share choice tells me there is something wrong with the magnet link.
by Bugmagnet on 2016/01/03 03:39:54 PM    
erm.. one topic per post please :p

as to channel config...very simple
see Channels
-> select the target channel
-> click the Information tab
-> click on Edit this Page

If you see a line beginning with ##ctrl:   follow it and see if it contains &dl=normal if not ...
-> click +Add
-> click Directive
-> click Control ##ctrl: and it will create a line with lots of defaults including setting users to basic level by default. Change that to whatever you wish. Last I remember is is case sensitive so "Normal" will not work while "normal" will. You can learn the options by changing levels of a user in your channel as the command will be echoed on your channel panel. i.e. for VIP, setting would be dl=vip (all lower case) not dl=VIP

the default level for streaming is yes, under +Add/Directive/Streaming ##stream:


have fun...

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