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Sharing files within local network using Tixati

by Guest on 2015/12/29 11:24:03 AM    
I'm trying to share files within my local network. Is it possible to do so using Tixati?

I've searched for this, but what I've found is all about another torrent clients, and all from this forum (those I've found, might miss important ones) was not very successful for me, or may be I could not understand them properly.

I've added files using Add > Create New Seed, but didn't found a way to add my local network IP there.
Then I tried to add my local network IP into tracker list as udp://<port>/announce but had no successful result, and tracker request failed.

So, can someone help me about this problem, and find me a way to share files within local network only using Tixati, please?

Thanks :)
by Bugmagnet on 2015/12/30 03:23:35 PM    
some things to research:

"Standard SSDP-based Local Peer Discovery has been added as an option for transfers. SSDP Local Peer Discovery is used for finding peers on your LAN. This feature defaults to inactive (for top security on unsecured LANs), but can be set so that all transfers are announced, or just a few can be enabled individually via the Options tab for the transfer. The announcement protocol is the same SSDP over multicast protocol used by other clients, and is fully compatible. However, it should be noted that this protocol, while compatible with other clients, uses no encryption and allows anyone else on your LAN to theoretically identify and log any transfers that are being announced."


and lastly, you might look into creating some rules for tixati in your firewall and/or ACL

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