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Open letter to dev's

by Guest on 2015/12/21 06:48:46 AM    
Hello! I am the scum of the Earth - a white millenial freeloading deadbeat.
I love your software, and I will donate to you from out of my meagre nurse's pay, IF you implement an Auto-Prioritize feature, I swear you guys are already the best but thats the only feature that is missing from your ahead-of-the-curve superior genius software :DDDDDD

I never donated before, ever.

Actually, maybe I will just be confident in that you correctly and affirmatively appraise this (frankly sublime) missing functionality (missing from all other torrent software too incidentally) and go ahead and donate straight away, yes, I'll do that, I'll simply trust in the universe. I do love your software, you guys, thank you. It almost tears me up how good it is :')
Too bad for those anal-retentive certain closed tracker-admins, that I and other distinguished gentlemen and gentlewomen won't be uploading massively to their user-base
Merry Christmas y'all!!!!!

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