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web server connection refused

by Guest on 2015/12/16 10:48:41 AM    
I set up the Tixati web server, and connected successfully from my iPhone.
I then tried to connect from chrome, but I get connection refused instead of the authentication dialog.
The iphone connection still works, so that means the Tixati server is up, and the port forwarding is fine.

Is there a limit of one connection? If so, how do I disconnect?

by cvbn on 2015/12/17 01:30:44 PM    
there's no limit, I connect to webui from different source IPs at the same time, no problem

if it says connection refused in web browser, that means you aren't able to connect to the machine at all, it is not getting through the operating system layer, the app isn't even getting an opportunity to accept the connection... check your IP and ports and make sure you aren't firewalled

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