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How to complete incomplete downloads

by Guest on 2015/12/09 11:51:12 AM    

How to complete incomplete downloads when Tiaxti and the computer had been turned off.

I can't remember what down loads were lost, and then try and re-find the content.

Thank you Francis
by Bugmagnet on 2015/12/09 07:09:26 PM    
To set this for the future:

    Settings/Transfers/General/Auto Start-Stop/ {x} Start previously running transfers on program startup

To restart them now, from main Tixati GUI:

    Transfers/Layout/  set {x} Tab View
    Transfers/Layout/  set {x} Sortable View
    Transfers/Layout/Categories/  and set {x} Sidebar
    Transfers/Category sidebar and select "All Transfers"
    Transfers/Layout/Select Columns/Transfers View
         enable {x} Progress, {x} % Complete and/or {x} Bytes Remaining  then {Close} that dialog
    Click on one of the 3 above column headers to cause a sort. If the unfinished torrents are not at the top, click again to reverse the sort order.

Once you have sorted out which torrents are not 100% complete, select any or all of them and click the {Start} button.

Then, IF you did the first step, in the future these will automatically restart to continue downloading.

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