by Guest on 2015/12/04 11:19:07 AM
I've been thinking about optimising my download set-up, and I would like to ask the advice of those who are more experienced than me in these things.
Background: In the last few weeks, my computer has crashed overnight several times, BSOD or worse, and I've spent hours restoring it. The suspect is an ancient 160 GB external HDD, which I use for Tixati downloads and uploads, and then I manually copy or move complete files to a 1TB external HDD as the smaller one fills up. So I've decided to retire the 160 GB drive and I have a new 2TB USB3 drive to replace it.
But looking at threads in the forum, I notice that others do things to save disk usage. I already avoid using my Ultrabook's SSD for constant file transfer, but I also wonder if I should avoid using it for Tixti's incomplete piece storage, by using the new HDD or a USB stick.
Here are the possibilities I can think of:
- use a smallish USB stick for incomplete piece storage and an external HDD for local files.
- use a 128GB USB stick for all transactions and then move/copy files to the HDD on completion.
- use the external HDD for all actions.
Which is the best in terms of system resources and disk saving? Any other ideas?
This leads to a question: Is it possible to only copy completed files to a new disk, and not move? That way I can store completed files but still share them. The point of this is that with the 128GB stick I will have limited space to offer files, unless I can set more than one location for shared files? I've never worked out how to do this in Tixati, used to do it in classic file-sharing. Is it possible?
Many thanks in advance for any help you can give me!!