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[Feature request?] Delay Tixati when waking

by Guest on 2015/12/01 12:54:11 AM    
My files are stored on a network drive, not physically attached to the PC, but Tixati runs on my PC.  This works great with Tixati, but it's a bit sluggish to allocate.

But when I wake from sleep, it restores Tixati from the system tray, and has a pop up that says

Download folder not found
(mapped location)

Select A New Download Folder | Retry | Close Tixati

If I hit retry, it works find, but I'd rather not have to hit the button.  It seems Tixati tries the connection before Windows has connected to the network or something.

But I'd rather not have it pop up every time I wake the computer.  There's an option in Settings > Shell Integration to delay auto starting with the computer.  It would be nice if this could be applied for waking somehow, also.

by KH on 2015/12/02 11:32:10 PM    
For the next release, v2.28, we did some work that might help with this.  A missing download folder is tolerated for a short time before raising an error.  This update will be posted within days.  Let us know if that does the trick.
by Guest on 2015/12/12 03:34:42 PM    
Just updated today, sorry it took so long to get back.  This seems to be doing the trick!  I've woke from sleep once and no popup!

Thanks a bunch!

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