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download speed help! me!

by Guest on 2015/11/30 12:03:32 AM    
My comp sais I can download up to 300 mbps but for some reason I am only able to download up to about 110 mbps. Is there any way to download at the maximum speed allowed according to tixati? Or am I stuck at these slow speeds?
by Guest on 2015/11/30 04:08:26 AM    
See the Optimize tab above in the web page and, If that doesn't work, then it might be a torrent with low number of seeds/peers, or it's just they don't want to share for whatever reason, or they have reached their Upload Ratio and don't have their client configured, etc..
by Napsterbater on 2015/11/30 05:39:10 AM    
Im gonna guess by the 300mbps number that you are looking at your Wifi Connection speed.

At BEST you will get 150mbps of that, and of that it's gonna be shared among other devices on that AP and even on other APs/Devices/Clients on other APs on the same or interfering channel.

TLDR, you are getting what you should expect from "300mbps" wireless.

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