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Great so far; can we get torrent labels?

by rs232 on 2015/11/24 08:54:21 PM    
I think this is pretty much the main feature I miss from utorrent.

Everything lese looks great
by Guest on 2015/11/25 05:17:24 AM    
In the transfers window, click the Layout button, and from the menu, turn on Categories.  It is like labels except much more full-featured.
by Guest on 2015/11/25 09:44:32 AM    
EXPLORE the program a bit, there are many features that can be enabled, including something called "Categories" in the layout menu.  I'm guessing that's what you're looking for.
by Pete on 2015/11/25 10:21:38 PM    
Besides Categories, there is Description column too. You can enable it in Layout > Select Columns.

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