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Category capture in v2.27

by Guest on 2015/11/24 06:50:16 PM    
I'm super excited for the new auto-capture settings for categories, but I have a few simple questions that don't seem to be documented yet.

1. What is the difference between "Transfer Load" and "Transfer Complete" in the category settings window? Are these events?

2. How are the tokens in the match/exclude settings separated (comma, space, etc)?

Thanks for all the work on Tixati - I love it!
by Guest on 2015/11/25 09:50:18 AM    
1. What is the difference between "Transfer Load" and "Transfer Complete" in the category settings window? Are these events?

"Load" is when you start the download.  So when a transfer is loaded from a .torrent or magnet link gets resolved, it checks for a match.

"Complete" is the same thing, except it checks when the download finishes.

2. How are the tokens in the match/exclude settings separated (comma, space, etc)?

A space.  It works exactly the same as an RSS filter, or the channel search window.
by Guest on 2015/11/25 09:53:32 AM    
This regex will capture anything with a s##e## in it.


I'm using this regex to auto sort TV episodes into a category. (that use that format)
by Guest on 2015/11/25 10:20:10 AM    
it cant capture tracker, right? would love that
by Guest on 2015/11/26 12:09:20 AM    
What is the syntax for the "any" and "all" modes? I can't seem to get them to do anything. RegEx mode works great.
by Guest on 2015/11/26 06:54:18 AM    
Separate words with spaces.  For 'ANY', if one of the words is in the title, it will match it.

Just regular words, no wildcard ? or * type stuff.
by Guest on 2016/06/22 01:03:11 AM    
In case someone comes to this thread from Google looking to assign torrents to categories based on tracker URLs, here's how I did it. I wanted Tixati to automatically assign category "Private" for any torrents downloaded from private trackers, and "Public" for torrents downloaded from anywhere else (public trackers).

For Private category my setup is like this:

Transfer Load
Match: .*(http|https):\/\/tracker\.(privatesite1|privatesite2)\.(com|net).* (Regex selected from dropdown)
Exclude: leave blank

And for Public category, we want to match everything, excluding the private ones:

Transfer Load
Match: . (Regex selected from dropdown)
Exclude: .*(http|https):\/\/tracker\.(privatesite1|privatesite2)\.(com|net).* (Regex selected from dropdown)

If someone has a better understanding of these capture settings and some spare time, this help document could use some work:  .
by Guest on 2016/06/23 07:39:21 AM    
Anyone know how to set the flag? (Global, Ignore case)
just /.+/g or /.+/i ?

For private tracker, I don't think you need the full URL.
Should do the trick. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I use only domain name without http:// and .com (or whatever) and it still catch.

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