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RSS overflow error

by Guest on 2015/11/22 01:13:20 AM    
first, thx for fixing username:password@URL processing, now the RSS feed is working.  sort of...

on trying to update, this feed is now returning "[3:50:29 PM]  update failed: server reply overflow > https://username:password@url/rss.php?parameters".

i think that sounds like a Tixati issue, i.e. the server was sending too many entries (a month's worth) for Tixati to handle?

if this is not a Tixati issue, please let me know and i will contact the RSS site.  thx!
by KH on 2015/11/22 11:57:43 AM    
This is definitely a Tixati issue.  We just found this one yesterday.  It has to do with some encoding issues Tixati has when reading the chunked HTTP response.

We just developed a fix, and it will be in the next release, due out very soon.
by Guest on 2015/11/23 06:12:16 AM    
excellent! thanks for fixing this

i get this prob on my feedburner https links, and had to make them http to fix

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