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Auto-stop feature when torrent downloads are complete

by deadman626 on 2015/11/19 05:32:51 AM    
TIXATI needs to add an optional Auto-stop feature that stops a Completed torrent download when it's done, I know some people like to seed but others don't, it's an option, So can you please add this feature.
by DrTeeth on 2015/11/19 11:04:27 AM    
If people do not like to seed, I would rather a client not help them to become a leech and they F.O. Such people are not welcome on p2p. I would urge Tixaxi NOT to implement this feature.
by Guest on 2015/11/19 11:37:07 AM    
They already made that feature a long time ago.

Go into Settings > Transfers > General, and look in the Queuing frame.

Turn on "Stop Seeding On Upload Ratio Above" and set it to the lowest possible number, like 0.01.

Now leach away and make everyone upset ;)

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