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2.26 Shell command arguments?

by Guest on 2015/11/17 04:10:27 PM    
Trying to use shell commands. Why only one param? No file name, only folder containing donwloaded torrent is send.
by Guest on 2015/11/17 09:03:03 PM    
Use file: instead of xfer:, and it will run the command every time a file completes, and the %1 will be the file name.


file:echo %1 >> /home/stu/Desktop/files.txt

As each individual file completes, it's name gets added to a text file in this example.
by bvd on 2016/04/30 08:18:49 PM    
I am not understanding this... how do I run a filebot command after each download is complete?  This is the command:

xfer:echo filebot -script fn:amc --output "/path/to/media" --action duplicate --conflict skip -non-strict --log-file amc.log --def excludeList=amc.excludes unsorted=y music=y artwork=y "ut_dir=%F" "ut_kind=multi" "ut_title=%N" "ut_label=%L"

or do I need to call a bat file?  or something else??
by Bugmagnet on 2016/05/01 06:06:23 PM    
@bvd there is a small budding group on the Tixati channels that might be able to help also with this in addition to users on this forum.


Scripts R Us
by bvd on 2016/05/03 02:58:46 PM    
That's great, however I have been searching for days and cannot find anything.  Can you direct me to this information?
by Bugmagnet on 2016/05/03 11:19:06 PM    
@ guest 2
file:echo %1 >> /home/stu/Desktop/files.txt
and the %1 will be the file name

%1 is the full path not simply the filename.  Variable for the file name is: $name


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xfer:echo filebot -script fn:amc --output "/path/to/media" --action duplicate --conflict skip -non-strict --log-file amc.log --def excludeList=amc.excludes unsorted=y music=y artwork=y "ut_dir=%F" "ut_kind=multi" "ut_title=%N" "ut_label=%L"

I am not seeing any of the possible output variables being sent from Tixati to the filebot command. Tixati supports variables for full path, base path, filename and extension.

In all commands, various placeholders are supported as follows:
Placeholder %1 is replaced by a full path to the individual file or transfer folder that has completed, in quotes.
$path is the exact same as %1
$basepath is replaced by the path to location of the individual file or transfer folder that has completed.
$name is replaced by the filename of the individual file that has completed.
$ext is replaced by the extension of the individual file that has completed.

The $path placeholder is equivalent to "$basepath$name$ext"

Example usage (auto-convert incoming .avi file to .mp4 format):

.avi:ffmpeg -i %1 "M:\$name.mp4"

When download of any .avi file completes, this command will start ffmpeg with input of the full path to the .avi file to be converted as expanded from %1 i.e. E:\tixati\incoming\movie101.avi
The .mp4 file output by ffmpeg will be saved on drive M:\ with the original filename (movie101), expanded from the $name and adding to it the .mp4 extension, as M:\movie101.mp4  has some details but is not yet updated.

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