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Feature request: flashing tray icons to static ones

by hcbd on 2015/11/09 06:04:21 PM    
Currently the only option for showing if there is channel activity or you have a personal message, is to set Tixati to blink it's trayicon with a balloon or mail sign..... This blinking is (or can be) very annoying..

Is it an option to also include/change the tray icon to something like the Tixati icon that doesn't blink.

An example for channel activity: Tixati standard trayicon with a little talkbuble in the bottom right corner. (non-blinking, static)
Same for when you recieve a personal message: just a static Tixati trayicon with a little envelop on there somewhere...

ps. little bug: the trayicon in GNOME 3 (debian 8) is invisible but there.

Keep up the good work... :D
by Sailor24 on 2015/11/10 07:58:43 AM    
I think all notifications are the same, even though in settings it says downloads. Try this settings/user interface/behavior/ then near the bottom(4th) there is a check box for flashing tray uncheck it and see if that stops it.

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