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BUG Report:  nick confusion on join

by Bugmagnet on 2013/09/27 09:50:56 AM    
this is weird.

I created a new channel to experiment and joined from two computers. Tixati was configured on both to use the same default username i.e. abc.

From computer a, local user nick was abc (owner) and the nick from computer b was (1)

From computer b, local user nick was abc and the nick from computer a was (1) (owner)

Further, commands to change user level are ignored. owner a tries to change a[(1)] to basic. but nothing changes since a[(1)] = b and a = b[(1)]

from b, I changed the local nick from abc to xyz and then it saw the owner change from (1) to abc at the same time. The owner is now seen as abc on both a and b computers. but even more than 10 minutes later, the user local to be (now xyz) is still seen as (1) on a.

I reverted to nick (1) on b so it would match how it was seen from a. Channel msgs were instant between computers, but the nick command didn't sync. I tried again to change the user level for (1) since it matched on both sides but no change was effected.

I stopped the channel on computer b. then changed nick to 123. I then closed the channel. I added it back by pasting the link and it quickly reconnected with nick 123. But from a, it still sees the b user as (1).
by Bugmagnet on 2013/09/27 10:54:59 AM    
noticed another quirk, i think...

channel config is:



blah blah blah


On join, the user does not see the motd. even if the user has "normal" level.  Does the dl:quiet disable the motd?  should it?

Or is it something else? I changed the config to ##ctrl:dl=normal and it still doesn't show.

I just noticed that there is no MOTD in private, unadvertised channels. it works in public channels but not the 'secret' ones.  Is that a bug or a 'feature'?  Should it be a config option?

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