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Only seeing 1 peer for every torrent

by Guest on 2015/11/06 10:11:56 AM    
I've been having a weird problem today. I can't seem to connect to more than one peer per problem. Example screenshot here:

Download speeds are naturally very low, and magnet links are going unresolved entirely. Any clue on what could be going on?
by Guest on 2015/11/07 06:43:47 PM    
Check to see how DHT is running if you use it.
by Guest on 2015/11/07 11:16:45 PM    
Sounds like your ISP is causing you problems.  Maybe they are having technical difficulties, or they are just being jerky and throttling your traffic somehow.

4 solutions I can think of:

1) wait a few days, see if it goes away naturally

2) call your ISP and ask them wtf (they will deny everything no matter what)

3) try a VPN

4) switch ISPs
by Guest on 2015/11/10 04:35:59 PM    
I can still download files and only DHT appears to be working. These are the settings for it:

Startup DHT Mode: On
DHT Normal Transfers: S+A
DHT Trackerless transfers: S+A
Auto node ID change interval: 1 week
Auto node ID change only on startup: Checked

I can download from peers found in DHT, but I see no peers on the trackers themselves.

I've also been noticing that Steam sometimes refuses to login and Skype drops in and out of connectivity. What is the problem here? Is it my ISP? I contacted them and they said they'd send a guy, but nobody came. :(
by Guest on 2015/11/11 12:51:06 AM    
Might be worth checking your router for any 'defence' features it may have enabled.

Presumably DHT is locating multiple peers then as an aside from the tracker issue?
by Guest on 2015/11/11 05:20:25 AM    
I don't have a router, I have a DSL line that goes to a Switch in my building, and from there to the ISP... I think, I'm not very good at these things, sorry. Should I get a router?
by Guest on 2015/11/11 03:55:43 PM    
No, don't get a router.  Routers are a pain and mess up incoming connections.

I would bet this problem is something to do with your ISP.  There are some that think using torrents is a sin or they think they use too much bandwidth, so they use traffic-shaping devices that screw everything up.

You could try googling your ISP name and the word "bittorrent" to see if anyone else has posted a problem on dslreports or somewhere like that.

But to solve this, you will probably either need to get a VPN (a company called "Private Internet Access" is a popular choice) or you can try another ISP.

You could always take your computer to a friend's house and try their ISP if it is different.

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