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Req: Auto delete/redownload incorrect files...

by teknomedic on 2015/10/28 09:29:18 PM    
I download a few torrents that have hundreds or even thousands of files AND they are updated regularly.  This means that say in a torrent of 1000 files, maybe 200 get randomly updated.  with other clients, I can download the updated .torrent file... point it to the old version directory... force a recheck and the client redownloads the updated 200 files.  This is NOT possible with Tixati from what I've seen.

The problem with Tixati is that it "locks up" or stops every time it comes across one of these files forcing me to manually open the folder, delete the offending file and then manually begin the recheck again.... a few seconds later I once again have to do this... over and over on my larger torrents.

Again, in other clients I can "force recheck" and the client will mark all the "incorrect files" based on hash or size or whatever and auto-redownload those files after fully rechecking the set.

Can we please have Tixati not pause on every "incorrect size" error and simply redownload and overwrite the files that don't match automatically?

I've searched google and have found I'm not the only person with this issue on rechecks with Tixati.
by teknomedic on 2015/10/30 07:38:32 AM    
If there is a way to do this already some advice would be welcome. :)
by teknomedic on 2015/11/04 08:25:04 PM    
Integrating something like Torrentcheck or making it a plugin could be helpful to quickly add a similar feature.
by Guest on 2016/09/27 01:06:34 AM    
Tixati never deletes your data unless you tell it to. You can theoretically resume .partfiles from one Tix instance to another and it would all work.
Versioning has been improved, except in the case of files DECREASING in size. I do not believe there is a way for it to continue unless you Force ReCheck before starting the new torrent with old data, i.e. you have to STOP the transfer on load, if using the dialog, OR settings -> uncheck start new transfers.

Newer versions allow files to increase in size. And depending on the piecesize is the ratio/quality of data you need to re-download. (8 MiB piece size, 64 KiB file 1/2^7 waste)

For individual files you could read up on jigdo
by Guest on 2016/09/27 10:29:43 AM    
Are you using Force Check in Tixati ( under Local Files) ?

My understanding is that Force Check goes through the complete torrent and flags the files where the size does not match.

I think there is an option that if the new file is larger that it will automatically overwrite the older file.

With new smaller files you would still have to manually select them all to be deleted.
by Guest on 2016/09/28 12:13:16 AM    
automatic rechecking and redownloading would be bad, i wouldnt like that behaviour at all. but i had this problem 2 times that i couldnt recheck files manualy, it said the file was too big or something. also there is a problem with files when i start downloading the torrent, deselect some files in the process and delete those files localy... tixati doesnt recognize that very well and reports an error.

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