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How does Tixati grab the torrent list on a new setup?

by loninappleton on 2015/10/23 07:43:57 AM    
I have 2.24 going but not telecom knowledgeable as the traffic here indicates.

I got past the outgoing bandwidth setup error and loaded
one torrent in manually from an index.  This began ok in the normal way.

But earlier I had transferred all of my content and .torrent
files to a single new directory on a new HD and OS setup.

Is there a setting I've missed to point to the .torrent files which reside in the same folder as the content?  Or do I have to drag and drop manually into the transfer window?
by Napsterbater on 2015/10/23 08:03:54 AM    
When changing torrent clients (not just upgrading the same client to a new version) there really is no easy way to just import everything from the old client.

If all of the files you downloaded with the torrent files are in the same directory, you can drag them all to Tixati select the "Local file Location" and point it to the correct folder then check the box for "Apply to All".

But if they are in different folders, you will need to do them one by one, or in groups if some are in the same folders.
by loninappleton on 2015/10/24 02:33:19 AM    
thanks Napster.

 I'll report back if this works.  I think I loaded in the
x64 version and so this is a new client.  Other wise I'll do a couple sample manual loads from my current shares and see how it works.
by Guest on 2015/10/24 07:17:43 PM    
someone should send in a sample utorrent config files to the tixati devs and maybe they will make an import tool if the file formats aren't too bad
by Napsterbater on 2015/10/24 08:59:26 PM    
Which version of utorrent? Why not Bittornado, or qbittorrent?

I think the devs should not bother with that, stick to doing what they are doing.
by Guest on 2015/10/24 09:26:10 PM    
Which version of utorrent? Why not Bittornado, or qbittorrent?

Not Bittornado or qbittorrent because those are not nearly as popular.  And do the the utorrent config files change that much between versions?

There are a lot of people switching utorrent to Tixati.

I don't *think* it would be terribly complicated to make an importer, someone said the other day that the utorrent configs were all pretty simple bencoded files.  All they would have to do is parse out the info-dictionary and file paths.

I agree with your sentiment that they probably have many many better things to spend time working on, but it couldn't hurt to send in some config files and let them make the call... at least they'd have the reference material already gathered for them.
by loninappleton on 2015/10/28 08:48:52 PM    
OP here,

 My intent was to find out why a new instance of Tixati with the right master torrent folder (and with the media files in the same one as I had before) listed in the
setup item did not 'read' the torrents in the designated folder.  Over days I'll get my torrent farm moved manually.  It appears that both .torrent and content files have to scanned one per each.

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