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problem watching movies i have downloaded

by Guest on 2015/10/23 03:11:26 AM    
hi i have downloaded 2 movies how do i play them using this software
by cvbn on 2015/10/23 04:50:18 AM    
This software just downloads them.

You need to use a media-player to play them.

This is built into Windows, or you could get VLC Media Player (videolan.org)

Either way, you can just go into your downloads folder on your desktop, and double-click on one of your downloaded movies and it should play just fine in your media player.  Just remember to get VLC if Windows Media PLayer gives you trouble.
by Guest on 2015/10/23 06:35:34 AM    
MPC-HC (Home Cinema)for Windows is free and comes in x32 and x64 versions.

It also comes free with K-Lite Codec Pack for Windows.

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