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Search Feature for Torrent Names

by Hustler62 on 2015/10/22 04:41:49 PM    
Please could we have a search function, especially for words included in the torrent name.  I keep the name of the torrent I downloaded in the list, even though I remove the actual download into a different directory for safe keeping, and I battle to find the actual name unless I recall how far back I downloaded the files.  With over 1000 entries in my torrents list, a simple search function would greatly minimise the workload I have to accomplish to find a specific torrent name.  This programme is really awesome!!
by Guest on 2015/10/22 05:42:43 PM    
have you tried going to the layout menu (in transfers view) and check off "Text Filter"?  Will that help?  It is sorta like a search function
by Hustler62 on 2015/10/22 09:39:55 PM    
Thanks for that, that works perfectly for me.  I have used Tixati for years and never knew it had this feature.  Much appreciated.
by be003 on 2020/04/06 09:58:51 AM    
My thanks as well.

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