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How to disable incoming port?

by Guest on 2015/10/17 05:41:10 PM    
I'm using Tixati 2.23. In the old version you could choose a "none" incoming port (or something like this) to disable incoming connections.

How can I disable incoming port in 2.23 and tell Tixati to stop listening on any port? I cannot open any incoming port, nothing I can do about this.
by Napsterbater on 2015/10/18 05:04:48 AM    
If you cant open a port it doesn't matter then that a port is selected.

Tixati has to tell the tracker something so there will always be a port, even if you are not connectable via that port.

Just set it to any port.
by Guest on 2015/10/18 02:49:37 PM    
The last reply is correct, but I would just like to add, if you are morally or spiritually opposed to incoming connections for whatever reason, you can go into Settings > Network > Connections and in Incoming Peer Connection Protocol there is now an extra option that says "None".

But there is really no reason to bother.  Like the last guy said, just pick a random port and don't worry about it.
by Guest on 2015/10/18 08:10:47 PM    
The problem I have with leaving an incoming port in this tixati version is this:

1. I open a torrent with tixati.
2. Tixati connects to peers, download starts.
3. After some seconds / a minute or so a popup dialog shows with message:

" Could not listen for incoming connections
" Address: udp:
" Error: Operation not permitted(1)
" (button)change port number, (button)edit connection setting, (button)retry

In the same moment, if I'm not mistaken - tixati disconnects from the peers, and tries to connect to them again - with success, but I don't know why it disconnects from them.

As for changing "Incoming Peer Connection Protocol" to "None" - it doesn't help. The log shows that it "Stopped listening on tcp:", but the popup still shows, and after tixati restart it still is "listening on udp:"

I've had no such problems with Tixati version before those changes.

Other info:
I'm using UFW firewall on Debian with no incoming connections allowed. My router also allows no incoming connections. I'm using NordVPN.
by Napsterbater on 2015/10/18 11:21:11 PM    
In 2.23 there is no "None" option. (At least not for me)

I don't even see how none would work, as I am pretty sure that it is required to be sent in an Announce.

Unless Tix just sends a random port?
by Guest on 2015/10/19 04:15:34 AM    
Napster you are on the wrong settings page, it is Settings > Network > Connections page, and it's in the combo box for Incoming Peer Connections.  It prevents the TCP port listening, and stops incoming UDP connections, although that port stays open to service the DHT.

For tracker announce it still uses the port set in Settings > Network > Incoming Port, not a random port.

Original Poster, make sure your port # is higher than 1024, try around 30000 or so.  Sometimes you can get an "operation not permitted" if your linux user account doesn't have permission to listen on the "well known ports", which is anything less than 1024.  If that doesn't work, you have something else going on with your system like overly restrictive permissions.
by Guest on 2015/10/24 02:10:37 PM    
I've went back to Transmission, no problems there with closed incoming port.

New Tixati is kind of broken to me with popups telling that me that it could not listen for incoming connections - I know this, my VPN provider doesn't allow port forwarding...

(The port was higher than 1024, e.g. 22248, 40123, etc - no difference, always a popup)
by Guest on 2015/10/24 07:03:24 PM    
If you were running 2.24 you could just click the ignore button when the warning comes up, and it will stop listening without further complaint.  Problem solved.

"Operation not permitted"... just as a previous reply said, that means you have your permissions set to not allow any port binding for any programs at all.  This is extremely unusual on linux systems unless you have an administrator that is a pedantic know-it-all (like in an office) or you messed up your config.  Nothing to do with your firewall, that is a separate thing from this user permission.
by Guest on 2015/10/25 11:13:12 AM    
"If you were running 2.24 you could just click the ignore button when the warning comes up, and it will stop listening without further complaint. Problem solved."

No, the popup still appears later. In previous versions there was no necessity to ignore any popup...
by Guest on 2015/10/25 07:08:23 PM    
did you actually install 2.24???

because the popup never appears again if I click ignore (not retry).... it is gone until I restart the prog
by justanotherjoe on 2016/12/11 03:59:31 AM    
Popup still comes back, I'm running 2.48
by Guest on 2022/05/16 08:45:52 PM    
I have a comparable issue with 2.89.
* I do a port-forward from my fiber modem (fritzbox) to the correct machine
* Both udp & tcp
* Every once in a while the dialog reappears; you can press 'ignore' - but 20 minutes later... again
* I have enabled & disabled the UPnP checkmark
The funny thing is - even though the "no permissions" box pops up, it often gives a green "Listening / OK" status on the home-tab. And it receives & sends

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