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Why the proxy settings changes? (fixed)
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by Guest on 2020/01/27 12:18:54 PM    
Bittorrent trackers can use the IP address reported by the client instead of the IP address the peer connects from

To do this, you must have a static IP address, which providers provide for an additional fee. Otherwise, you will have to change the IP address manually in the torrent client settings each time.

As I understand it, Tixati also doesn't have the "IP address to report to trackers" setting.
by janet on 2020/02/29 07:21:22 AM    
Tixati v2.68 has separate proxy settings for trackers/peers/other in Settings > Network > Proxy
by Guest on 2020/03/02 04:32:27 PM    
Thanks for bringing this back. Adding two related feature requests:
- Ability to proxy UDP connections (if the proxy supports it)
- Ability to define proxy at the individual tracker options.
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