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[Feature Request] Automatic file categorizing by file type

by Guest on 2015/10/08 06:53:34 PM    
Hello dear great developer(s) of Tixati!

I'm starting to find that with my personal high-volume torrenting, classic categories just are getting more of a bother than a useful aid, so would it be possible to create an automatic categorization option by file type or perhaps even by keywords in the file name?

For example, it would be great if I was simply able to enter a list of file extensions per category and it auto-sorts them into the according categories, like *.mkv into "Videos", *.png into "Pictures", *.iso into "Disc Images" and so on.

For torrents that contain a folder, which often means different file types / multiple file names are involved - if ONLY one type of categorized file type is detected this auto-categorizing should affect the whole torrent contents and thus the whole folder - although as this can also lead to false positives, categorizing folders automatically should be possible to get disabled completely.

Thanks for taking your time to read this and if something like this makes it into a future release, that would be a great addition!
by Guest on 2015/10/22 04:35:27 PM    
In addition to automatically categorizing by file type, it'd be even more accurate to further categorize by custom defined set of keywords and tags of a file name.  This would come very handy when it comes to using EventGhost and theRenamer alongside Tixati.
by Guest on 2016/09/29 04:30:38 AM    
In main Transfers -> Layout -> Categories -> sidebar (to show)
You cannot apply tags.
BUT you can apply up to two categories.
You can make a "separator" category as a bucket for transfers. AND you can directly apply category customization. you want "CAPTURE" tab.

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