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remote disconnected when seeding

by Guest on 2015/10/01 09:30:19 PM    
hi, i have this problem, when i complete a torrent and start seeding automatically peers disconnect and i stand there doing nothing, as there is no point seeding while having this problem. how can i fix tits)
by Guest on 2016/03/24 08:51:45 AM    
As long as I'm downloading a file, the upload works just fine. As soon as a file is complete and I'm just seeding, well, nothing happens anymore. When I look at the connected peers, Tixati says "remote disconnected", "both peers complete" or "timed out connecting". I simply can't get any constant connection to happen.
by Guest on 2018/12/30 08:28:19 AM    
I'm getting the same thing. Connections timed out, Remote disconnections, and Both peers complete. I manage to get 1 peer sometimes, however.
by Guest on 2019/04/02 10:52:55 PM    
Same here, does not seed after download complete. Peer status stuck as "Both peers complete"
by Guest on 2019/12/09 12:40:38 PM    
It means that you took all pieces of the file that they've got. No more to give. So they are completely done and you are done also. If you seed after that somebody out there on the network will eventually connect with you and start receiving your pieces of the file. Just keep on seeding and somebody will be interested in what you've got.

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