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Hi, I think I've got the coolest feature for you

by Guest on 2013/09/23 02:16:12 AM    
Hi, I think I've got the coolest feature for you.
Thanks for the software I love it. I got a suggestion why dont you add the "add to vlc media player" option to the file drop down menu. I use vlc, but im sure people would want it to work with their favourite media player. There in lies the challenge. As I said you got the best software out there now add another epic feature to set the bar again.

Tx Tony
by Guest on 2013/10/15 06:12:47 PM    
Yeah i think that feature should be like preview any video file from tiaxti
and it should prioritize the first few hash pieces of the torrent
by Pete on 2013/10/15 07:19:25 PM    
There's Open function. It opens a file with associated software, may be VLC media player for video formats.

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