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Magnet link 'fast tab' and custom queue suggestion

by Guest on 2015/09/24 12:05:55 AM    
A fast Magnet tab would be nice, rather than clicking through the +Add sequence every time to get to the tab.

A multiple Magnet facility would be great too, for copy paste from saved text or clipboard etc


A single file queue option would be great (without drastically changing the current Tixati system!  :)

All the files to be downloaded/shared are placed or dragged in preferred order as usual, but downloaded one at a time (or maybe 2 or 3 etc).  

This way the full bandwidth can be used on each respective file in the queue, and seeding continues on all the completed files as they progress in the queue.

Apologies for my slightly tarded explanation / description


TBH I can live without all the above, but if it's possible to squeeze more user luxury features from an already perfect program... :)

btw: Tixati rocks !  :D

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