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Non-automatic Folder Select

by Guest on 2015/09/22 01:04:22 AM    
I was wondering if there is a way to set Tixati,
to not automatically select a previous folder for your
torrent. We'll if there isn't one here is a simple reason
why it's a good idea.

Now i know the idea of having to select a folder every single time
you want to start a new torrent seems a bit odd and tedious... and why
would you even need that as an option since you can just simply select a
different folder?

Because the start button is sooooooooooo tempting to just press quickly and forget about switching folders XP

No hear me out!

As someone who often torrents a lot a problem arose where i would get too much files in... what i know call
jam folder (since its jam packed with everything) and its a bit hectic.

By implementing this feature (which I assume would just be not having a default
folder and a mandatory selection before pressing the start button),
I would be forced to choose a folder from the list (the one which usually pops up whenever you want to change the folder)
and would therefore automatically sort my folders instead of having to do so afterwards which is a bit of a hassle to
say the least!

This would really save my forgetful ''behind''

Thank you for reading!
by Guest on 2016/09/29 04:56:03 AM    
You don't have to setup a default folder.
You can also decide to organize from within Categories.  are useful for anything else.

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