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SSDP Local Peer Discovery & Secure Local Resource Discovery

by Guest on 2015/09/16 05:18:16 PM    
These two features are of interest to me but they are off the beaten path for most users apparently, asking around briefly and combing the forum for additional clues has been fruitless.

Mainly it's a case of people having it on 'by mistake' and nothing anyone seems to use. This is understandable since tixati is probably used by one person on one computer on their LAN.

I've been experimenting with a couple instances on a LAN behind a NAT/Firewall which I am quite familiar with configuring -- with exception of any sort of uPNP, which I have never used.. Just as well since it's on it way out anyhow.

The SSDP information I have been studying seems to indicate a somewhat symbiotic relationship with uPNP. Actually it seems uPNP is kind of a reincarnation of SSDP which apparently never emerged from RFC draft status.

In any case, I've had no success at getting two tixati (W7) on a LAN cooperating in virtually any form which take advantage of their same subnet/LAN arrangement. Similarly, I have previously placed a tixati instance on a private network with two other internet facing BT clients (deluged and transmission). All on linux and while the deluged and transmission use the private net, the tixati never did. So I am basically seeing the same issue on the windows lan, except between two tixati instances.

I'm functional but not an IT or admin guru so snags like this take a whole lot of time for me to fet out, if ever. Since these two features seem to be largely unused by all, I'm fishing for someone who has worked with these features.

If nothing more than to confirm it works or should work or if maybe these are still rough and have issues. No sense me hammering away at this if it's just not going to work for one reason or another. ;-)

In both LAN environments firewalls have been shutdown during the course of testing. Pretty much all the obvious bases I know of have been covered.

The one factor which eludes me though, uPNP.. If that is somehow integral to these two features working then I have only fiddled with that briefly on the Windows LAN but scrapped that since for everything else I've been perfectly fine working with the single NAT + Firewall configuration manually.

Anyhow, obligatory TLDR -- uncheck those feature boxes (lol)

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