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Channels as a separeted software

by Guest on 2015/09/15 03:45:52 PM    
i see a lot of effort on the channels side of tixati but was wondering what is the relevance of it in a torrent client...
could be possible to make a standalone version of both?
by Guest on 2015/09/16 05:22:26 PM    

Lets see... a function that allows for private communication, sharing magnet links as well as weblinks, allows for searching for torrents, without relying on some web host?

Have you followed the news on torrent sites over the last 30 days?

by Guest on 2016/09/29 05:06:30 AM    
Since Channels are integral to the communication part of the program. And the program also allows streaming using the distributed hash table, it's unlikely to "split" any of the functions into disparate programs. If that were the case it's much easier for network intrusion or spreading bad data within it.
I'm sure behind the scenes there is also checking done with the network protocol to try and limit bad actors ability to damage the sharing ecosystem within the client.

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