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Meaning of yellow asterisk

by Jorge24 on 2015/09/07 07:17:16 AM    
What does the yellow asterisk symbol next to a torrent name mean?
I think it's related to torrents I've made?
by Guest on 2015/09/07 07:13:19 PM    
it means that you made the torrent.
by Guest on 2018/02/19 02:23:54 PM    
This happened to me because my PC crashed. I had a backup of all the torrent files but not the Tixati configs, so when I bought and populated a new PC all of my torrents were asterisked! I'm gradually finding most of them by searching the torrent sites I usually use. If you can download the right torrent, you can make sure it has a unique name and then copy all the completed files over the "new" torrent files.

A shame, though, that you can't edit the original torrent.

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