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small features Suggestion

by Guest on 2015/09/06 10:12:35 AM    
Hello and well found !
Tixati is really a good and light client. I've been using it for a while (4+ months)
I'd like to suggest a couple of simple GUI features that will IMHO improve the experience

1) speed on title bar:   current down / up - limit down /up

2) overall ratio statistic (it's a feature common in other clients) -- can be implemented in the Elp menu for example

3) Tree view - centered text columms - for some columns a centered text will improve readability (time left, status...)

4) Tree view - separate columsn for priority group and bandwith limits. I like to have a lot of controls on the way my torretns go. the current optional setting are great but too much cluttered in a single column

5) fit all buttons in a single row (including torrent related button) - again a GUI improvemnt to save real screen estate - can be activated by the layout button and use the same feaures as the main button bar

6) bandwith graph: why not merging Inboudn and Outbound connections using line graph instead of full colored graph ?
again, users will have a better readeability with a more fine Y scale

I hopèe this ideas will be useful to you and will be implemented in the nex release


Keep up the good work


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