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Seeds/Peers available VS info on tracker list

by Thristle on 2015/09/02 09:11:38 PM    
so i have 2 torrents with the same "problem"
on the transfers tab "status" you see these numbers
and on the tracker list you see these (much higher) numbers
i'm guessing i shouldn't see the sum of those trackers (because some seeds can be shared between trackers) so at least i should see the smallest number? no?
by Guest on 2015/09/02 11:18:03 PM    
now in 2.16  - peer/seed counts in status column reflect verified connections and not unverified tracker/dht counts

thats why the difference in numbers.
by Guest on 2015/09/02 11:29:08 PM    
those are 2 very popular torrents. it's not logical to me that they have so few seeders/leechers

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