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Ratio higher than 100 is shown as "> 100"

by Guest on 2015/08/26 07:05:18 PM    
Well, the subject says it all. What's the reason to not show the actual value?

I found some rather old topic, where tixati devs answered that "ratios less than 0.001 and more than 100 can't be accurately calculated and as such are not displayed".

I don't know why they use single-precision floats (cause that's the format which guarantees 6 digits), maybe it's faster, but let's look at this another way: that's 6 MEANINGFUL digits.
Meaning, since we have five digit display now (up to 99.999), why don't just move the dot to the right (100.01)? That'd be the same precision, except you can show numbers up to 99999 without using scientific notation, which (hopefully) would be enough for now.
So I don't see the reason why this can't be implemented, and would be grateful if someone kindly pointed me at one (or some next version of Tixati had this weird restriction removed).

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