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Feature Request - Proper Downloading Queue Prioritisation

by John on 2015/08/21 05:05:23 PM    
I'm surprised to see that there is no actual prioritisation in Tixati.

All the major clients have a numbered queue prioritisation (with a sepate column showing which is which in the downloading queue) for the torrent tasks and even an up and down arrows in the top menu, so you can easily set the queue position of a torrent.

uTorrent has this feature for 10 years now.

Currently, you have to make a "Right-click -> Priority Group -> Radio button select" in order to (partially) do that.

Also, it will be also good to have numbered queue prioritisation (with a sepate column showing which is which in the downloading queue) for the individual torrent files, so you can easily set the queue position of a torrent.

The current obscure terms like "Ultra High", "Very Low", "Above Normal" only confuse the users.

What if I wand to download sequentially (queue prioritise) 15 torrents and there are only 9 possible prioritisation states currently?

The prioritisation states bandwidth should be formed dynamically, depending on how many torrents are there in the queue.

Please add this feature.

Thank you!
by John on 2015/08/29 03:44:47 PM    
Any update on this one?

Janet, anyone?
by Guest on 2015/08/29 10:08:31 PM    
as an user i think it's not needed for most downloads (from highest to lowest is enough - but i agree, faster selection would be nice indeed), and even would complicate things like prioritization of files inside torrents - there is no room for numbers.
If you want to download more files at a time, just use "Ultra High" to first two torrents you want fastest, then "very High" to another two.. etc etc..

For faster prioritizing you can also customize your Bandwidth list, so you have to click only twice:
Rightclick > Bandwidth >> "ultraHigh"/"lowest"
Just add at the beginning what is allready on the list when editting it.

And don't even talk about uTorrent, i hope Tixati will never be soo... (well i just stick to older versions then)

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