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tixati stuck at "Scanning" too long...

by Guest on 2013/09/19 07:49:10 PM    
Hello everyone,

A torrent file i've download in tixati is stuck for too long in "Scanning". It barely reaches 8 percent of "Scanning" in 10 minutes.

Some properties of this torrent:
About 17GB in size
Divided to 2139 pieces of 8MB each
And it's about 80,000 files

Is this common?

by nnq2603 on 2013/09/20 05:40:37 AM    
Your file size and piece size is normal, but content contains 80000 files is a numerous amount of files to checking/scaning. So I think it's normal to take that long.
by Bugmagnet on 2013/09/20 09:30:03 AM    
I'd say that is to be expected, depending on several factors.
I just tested on a 22GB file on an external USB drive
looks like it'll take about 35 min to complete
by Pete on 2013/09/20 12:58:26 PM    
From what I saw scanning takes longer if there are many files just like in your torrent.

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