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hide the client

by torwilh1 on 2015/08/14 12:58:39 PM    
I am a user on this torrent site.but tixati is not a valid client they sayd,so i got "jaild"and was unable to download from theyr site before i changed my client..I was wondering..is there any way to get tixati to be unrecogniced or maybe recognice it as if it was "utorrent client" or some other client that the torrent site considering as a valid client?  ..zry for weard question :P
by Guest on 2015/08/15 12:49:15 AM    
I wouldn't engage in a lot of effort for a torrent site that blocks Tixati, considering it's now one of the best clients out there, actively developed and with a growing user base. I would understand it a few years back when it was relatively unknown client, but a torrent site admin who does not allow it nowadays is simply not very up-to-date, or has a personal discrimination of some sort against the client.

I would ask the owners of that site about the possibility of including Tixati on their whitelisted clients. Perhaps they're just lazy about updating that kind of thing and have been using the same list for ages, and would be open to at least consider such suggestions from their users.

You *can* specify a different client to be reported to a tracker, but I would try the above route instead. Keep in mind that the option is there mainly for troubleshooting purposes, and that if you get spotted somehow by a bad-tempered admin and you get banned from the site as a result, it will be your own bad luck - fair warning given!

1) In the Transfers window, go to the Trackers tab below. Add one of these lines right after the tracker URL (search the web for other clients):

For utorrentMac 1.6.4 use
:header:%0D%0AUser-Agent: uTorrentMac/1640(27255):peerid:-UM1640-

For utorrent 2.2.1 use
:header:%0D%0AUser-Agent: uTorrent/2210(25110):peerid:-UT2210-

For Transmission 2.11 use
:header:%0E%0AUser-Agent: Transmission/2.11:peerid:-TR2110-

For Deluge 1.3.5 use
:header:%0D%0AUser-Agent: Deluge/1350:peerid:-DE1350-

Example of the whole thing:

sometracker dot com:9999/bx22334cnythfdsf59hgfkg/announce :header:%0D%0AUser-Agent: Deluge/1350:peerid:-DE1350-

2) In the Options tab, go to Peers -> Local Peer ID, uncheck "Use default ID" and replace only the initial part (before the hash) with the same ID used at the end of the tracker URL as seen above.

For example:

"TIX0212-a1a2a3a4a5a6" becomes "-DE1350-a1a2a3a4a5a6"
by JWvL_software on 2015/08/15 02:15:30 AM    
Do you mean spoofing Tixati to appear to another client when it makes requests for torrents?

I don't think that can be done currently?

What do you mean by "jaild"?

by gunshit on 2018/06/21 08:01:52 PM    
by Guest on 2015/08/14 06:49:15 PM

Thanks mate. Nice share ^_^

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