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computer shut down w/o finishing download, will it resume?

by Guest on 2013/09/19 07:01:03 PM    
So basically, I have to attend my classes and can't leave my laptop plugged in the whole day without anyone at home, but the download isn't finished yet. So if I shut down my laptop and restart it later, will the download resume or do i have to start it all over again? thanks!
by Sylvester on 2013/09/20 04:19:39 AM    
Your download will complete itself when you go back online. If you had stopped the download, just set it to 'Start' and all will be O.K.
by nnq2603 on 2013/09/20 05:28:25 AM    
Of course it'll resume once you run Tixati (in the case Tixati doesn't start itself with Windows). Some of primary advantages torrent downloading is "data Integrity" (always hash check each piece and download again if any failed hash occur) and very resumable.

- Download with slow speed network? No problem, it's only problem of amount waiting time.
- Download in a mass auto-disconnected network? No problem, it always be able to resume afterward as long as there's at least 1 seeder in swarm.
- Download on one place and resume in another places? No problem, copy necessary files all along with you, force-recheck, then you're ready.
- Trackerless torrent, magnet-link, DHT, etc... and more you can't get from direct http/fpt.. downloading.
by Bugmagnet on 2013/09/20 09:10:30 AM    
torrents break up a file into multiple small pieces that can be checked for being correct. All such pieces you have downloaded will be preserved, for continuing anytime later.

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