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Feedback v1.96

by Bugmagnet on 2013/09/19 03:21:15 PM    
my platforms: winXP pro
cable modem from a very cooperative ISP
8mb/s DL
2mb/s UL (steady, flatlined)

seeding: 320+
downloading: 25 (1 or 2 active - 0 seeds available on most of these orphans)

problem...can't join/stay in channels

I'd like to join channels related to the files I choose to seed/share
I have set channels bandwidth priority to "Ultra High"
I have abandoned the idea of streaming with this client, in an attempt to be able to keep connected, but fails
Ofter it takes 8-10 hours to connect to a channel, then after perhaps 30 minutes, it disconnects and flaps, perhaps connecting a total of 45 to 90 minutes a day, if that.

I use another client (on the same cable modem) to hold channels open and stream
its connection is rock solid
but I only seed 1 or 2 files on it, bare minimum to maintain functionality.

I guess my problem is i want it be able to use one client that can seed to the max (400 torrents), join and stay in channels (so I can advertise what I am seeding and perchance chat about them?) and stream too, though the latter is a little less of a priority with me.

As the new version is being tweaked, I can only give thanks for what the dev team has done and encourage them to keep up the good work. If I can be more helpful, I am willing.

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