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Feature Request: Make Subject Line of a Thread Self Limiting

by Radish on 2015/08/12 01:15:09 PM    
Feature request for the Tixati Forums website.

When making a new post - to start a new thread - the user needs to to "Enter a Subject" for the new post i.e. a title. Sometimes I do this and it turns out that the title I entered is too long. So how about coding the underlying webpage to automatically only allow the user to only enter maximum string length in the title field. This would improve the useability of the forum website a bit.
by Radish on 2015/08/13 01:32:18 PM    
I would also like to add to this request that web developers at Tixati need to have a think about what is the maximum length of a string that can be entered when setting the Title for a post/topic.

As it stands just now it seems that the Tixati website does allow the subject text to extend into two lines of text. As an example the following is the title of one of the recent topics in the forum:

Feature Requests: Making Bug Reports - Need Tixati Build

As you can see the title runs into two lines (of text). However, as I made that topic myself, I know that I had to cut down the length of the title to satisfy the current limits set for the forum - but the current set length doesn't make any sense. If you are allowing a title to run to two lines of text then why, oh why, do you not allow the poster to utilise the full length of two lines of text?

If I count the number of characters (including spaces) in the title shown above the first line of text extends to 56 characters. The second line of text (the word "Number") only extends to 6 characters. Why not allow the second line of text to also extend to 56 characters? Makes sense to me - you get full use of the second line of text that way.

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