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Feature Requests: Making Bug Reports - Need Tixati Build Number

by Radish on 2015/08/12 12:52:16 PM    
Couple of feature requests here.

(1) As far as bug reporting goes it would useful if the Taxiti build number was actually included in the Startup Dialogue Windows when Tixati is launched. It would also be useful if the build number was shown in the Help > About Tixati dialogue window. So, for example, for the latest stable build of Tixati the version number would be v2.16-1, for a later build of the same version it would be say v2.16-2 (and so on). Just a thought that might help the developers out in the longer term. It is though also helpful to people trying to be helpful in making bug reports to be able to include the build number in the bug report.

(2) For making Tixati Forums a bit better I would suggest separate forums for the following categories; (a) Feature Requests; (b) Bug Reports.
by JWvL_software on 2015/08/17 05:13:22 AM    
Good ideas Radish,

The forum suggestion is part of my longer list as well.

The more times that things are suggested the merrier.


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