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Color Scheme idea!

by Guest on 2013/09/17 11:56:54 AM    
A inside colors scheme control! Kinda of like your Bandwidth Customize Menu. When your in Transfers tab. But it is used inside your torrent box. (   or were the mouse is inside the box) So this way it give the users more control on how they want to scheme. Like having different color for multiple seeding/downloading. Another thing. Why can't I add color to my different Category that I made? And your .colors file make little sense. Can't even find a doc or a simple how to. Witch is the main reason to bring a bandwidth customize menu idea but it used to customize colors of different trees or heck, add different styles of font (not so much your fonts. But if some one want this line one font and have the next line be different font). Basically add much higher levels of control in custom looks. And a little bit easier to understand!

So far I'm really enjoying using Tixati. And just maybe this crazy idea of custom look request can be add sometime in the futures.
by Guest on 2016/09/12 02:45:33 AM    
Is this still the main area lacking configuration under Settings -> User Interface -> Custom Colors ?
Maybe a single option at least for "user categories".... if making/adding the configuration to each transfer is undesirable.

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