by Guest on 2015/08/05 02:34:06 PM
First I'd like to thank your hard working for creating such an amazing Bit-torrent client. I have used many torrent clients and I found TIXATI is the best (of course IMHO).
Here is a list I think would make TIXATI even more fabulous and peerless.
Please consider adding them to your next versions.
1- Built in tracker
(Many torrent clients have this capability, why not add it to TIXATI)
2- Search inside torrent for a file
(When you add a torrent but don't want to download all of it, finding the specific file is frustrating. You should either allocate it to HDD and use OS search engine or look in every folder manually.)
3- Country Flag
(There are still some regions and IP addresses with unknown flag)
4- Remote TIXATI
(I know this is too much, but what do you think of it?)
Thank you.
Pete on 2015/08/06 08:46:08 PM
If I understand correctly the 4th request is already available, see in: Settings > User Interface > Web Interface.
I would like your 2nd request too, file filter inside a transfer would be very useful.
My questions
1. When/Why would you use this? there are many open trackers to use, not to mention DHT.
2. Could be useful.
3. I don't think this a huge deal, plus IPs are moving around alot so it will be harder to keep it accurate now do to the shortage.
4. As said above, there is the WEB remote, it could be better, but it works.