by Guest on 2015/08/03 05:25:57 PM
I don't want to other people in the swarm know how much (percent) I have downloaded a torrent. What I want them to see is I have finished 0% to 1% even when I have finished the whole torrent.
I have seen this one time in a swarm. Someone using TIXATI v1.98 was seeding a torrent. (He/She) has only 1% of the file until I finished but he seeded way more than that. Every time I checked that peer he has only 1 or 2 piece of the whole torrent but that piece changed during the time. For example he had piece #523 after I downloaded that piece again he had only piece #294 and he didn't seem to have piece #523 anymore!
It was he was a new peer in the swarm but he was actually seeding the whole torrent.
How can someone do that?
Super seeding would do this, but I don't know why you would want to hide how much you have.
It won't protect you from a DMCA Takedown or lawsuit if that's what you are thinking.
And superseeding is for when you are lone seed with a small upload.