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Merging two installs

by BuckMulligan on 2015/08/03 03:55:26 PM    
I need to merge an install on another machine with the install on my primary.  I really do not want to lose my history on the second machine.  Any suggestions?
by Guest on 2016/09/29 10:35:51 PM    
Keeping the install folders separate...
EXPORT that version. AND IMPORT into the new "merged".
For backup, keep the DAT files in an archive before/after until you check the merged data.
by Eleanore on 2019/06/16 11:49:44 PM    
I have two installs where I would like to import all transfers from install2 into install1, merging the the two.  I used the export feature on install2, unchecking all options but the transfers.  I then import the resulting file into install1, but it doesn't merge, it removes all existing transfers in install1.

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